BabyBoardy Blog

You are invited to follow the developing life of Baby Boardy as the BB ventures from life in the amniotic swamp to the bright city lights of Melbourne.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Naomi all hooked up

We got a bit of sleep (Naomi more than I, as I was pretty excited and had a bit of last-minute cramming of various books to do anyway). Nai was awoken at about 5:30am with the stirrings of the first little surges. So we took Ben for his obligatory walk (dodgy photo taken via phone), and then I made her a nice fluffy omelette.

We phoned the hospital and they suggested that they normally wouldn't say to come in, but because we lived so close and Dr Lionel was doing his rounds soon, we may as well. So we packed up all of our stuff and bid farewell to Ben and the house, with the realisation that we could be coming back in a few hours, or the better part of a week!

After finally getting a park (OK... it wasn't that bad, but all of the 'emergency' parks which we were legitimately supposed to use were full) we took the lift up to the 11th floor and lugged our stuff towards the birthing suite desk (I lugged bags, Naomi lugged the BB). By this stage, Naomi was walking somewhat differently, as the BB had finally dropped.

A lovely midwife named Ruth escorted us to our suite (even if we left and came back, we'd be in this room). She then hooked Nai up to a monitor so that we could see how she and the BB were progressing, as shown below.

The surges were still a little spasmodic, and went from 5 mins to down to 2.5 and then back up a bit, so the actual 'labour' was still a ways off. However, Naomi's temperature was up slightly so Dr Lionel (who had dropped thru by that stage) suggested he'd feel better if we stuck around. So it looked like we were in for the duration!


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