BabyBoardy Blog

You are invited to follow the developing life of Baby Boardy as the BB ventures from life in the amniotic swamp to the bright city lights of Melbourne.

Friday, August 19, 2005

More than just a blob now!

Time for the real scan.... this is the one that is done at the ultrasound clinic and combines the skin fold at the back of the neck with the blood tests taken earlier on. This give an estimate of the risk of the baby having Down's and also checks to see if the brain, organs and skeleton are developing normally.

At this stage everything looks fine. The tests showed that I have a risk rate much lower than my chronological age and the baby is developing normally. This was a great relief and made me feel comfortable about telling everyone else who didn't already know.

We were both very excited. It was amazing how much more detail there was, and how much more BB there was, since just a few weeks ago. We really did feel we were saying hello to our little baby!


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